CategoriesHyMedicinEffekterTräningAnvändningBra att veta om RLTHow long ought a Red Light Therapy session last?How will I know if the Red Light Therapy works? What should I look for?How far from the Red Light Therapy lamp should you sit?When during the day should I use Red Light Therapy?Is it possible to do several Red Light Therapy sessions in one day?Is there any point in using Red Light Therapy during summer?Can I overdose on Red Light Therapy with excessive use?Can I look straight into the Red Light Panel or do I have to close my eyes?Can I use Red Light Therapy in the evening?Do I have to undress for Light Therapy to be effective?Does a Light Therapy panel make you perspire?What’s the difference between a 500, 1000, and 1500 W Red Light Therapy Panel?How warm does a Red Light Therapy panel get?Will I need sunscreen when I’m exposed to Red Light Therapy?Do I need to treat the body with a special lotions or creams after a Red Light Therapy session?Will Red Light Therapy interfere with any medications I take?Can I wear makeup during a Red Light Therapy session?What do I have to remember after a Red Light Therapy session?How does it feel to sit in front of a Red Light Therapy panel?Should I use protective eyewear during a Red Light Therapy session?What should I wear during my Red Light Therapy session?Are there any side effects from Red Light TherapyCan you use Red Light Therapy during pregnancy?Can children use red light therapy?Should you use red and Near Infrared light simultaneously or should you separate the treatments?